About us

SEA EYE is a fishery monitoring company located in Abidjan which has been founded in order to increase fishery data knowledge in the Atlantic Ocean. Additionally, SEA EYE is well disposed to carry out monitoring scheme of different resolutions and recommendations established by ICCAT.
The main purpose of SEA EYE is collect fishery scientific data needed to take suitable management measures and make easier the adoption of technical rules by scientific community. SEA EYE has a several experienced observers trained by Oceanographic Research Center of Abidjan (CRO Centre de recherché Oceanographique). Observers have obtained detailed knowledge concerning MCS field (monitoring, control and surveillance) which are currently requesting all RFMO´s and fishery industry in general.
According to FAO code of conduct for responsible fisheries, future sustainability of fisheries calls for improved and strengthened fisheries management through
1. Incentives for international cooperation and for better national monitoring and fishery management;
2. Innovative systems for this monitoring and management and;
3. Capacity development for fisheries research and management, particularly in developing countries.
All parties involved are obligated to put in force fishery data collecting scheme in order to make a correct assessment of the fishery management developed by all RFMO.
Observers are duly trained professionals recruited by CRO of Abidjan. They are fully aware of fish sampling methodology, biology, oceanography and scientific data collection task. Furthermore, all observers must take formation in Sea Safety rules and they have to get all certificates needed prior to embark in fishing vessels.
In this sense, SEA EYE is a local Ivorian company which is in position to collaborate closely with marine research center as well as CRO of Abidjan. Additionally, fishery authority from Ivory Coast supports this project and it will take into consider data collected by SEA EYE in order to manage better marine resources inside Ivorian EEZ.
Taking into account above mentioned issues, SEA EYE is in position to offer to all fishing ship owners, flag state authorities and ICCAT the following services: observer program scheme, transshipment verifications within port area or at sea, port sampling tasks, eco-certification audit and chain of custody, fishing good practices control and non entangling FADs testing.